Can I just tell you how much I love my job?? No, I don't believe I can. Want to know why? Because I would be LYING!! I DON'T love my job... In fact, I just about HATE my job! Let me explain why...
*Every day, 9 out of 10 customers come storming up to my desk demanding that I give back "their money that I took". You might ask yourself, "Is Ashleigh really taking money out of these poor peoples accounts???" The answer is- THEY ARE IDIOTS & don't know how to balance their account!
*Please help me regain my trust in the human race as a whole & reassure me that most of you understand this concept: If you use your debit card/write a check/ have an automatic withdrawal come out of your account & you don't have funds in your account to cover it THE DAY IT COMES OUT, you will be charged. (& yes the charges are very expensive)! If you're not familiar with this concept, you're probably one of the customers that pisses me off on a daily basis- please become familiar with it.
*So yes, this is what I deal with all day long- people mad at ME because I took their $$, when in reality if they just understood that fun little fact in bold mentioned above, life would be a lot easier for the both of us! Now, I can see you thinking to yourself "Wow! Ashleigh is really heartless- overdrafting your account is very frustrating & I don't want to pay the fees either." Guess what, I may not have sympathy, but I'm not heartless. I'm not talking of the sincere people who honestly made a mistake & caused the account to overdraw- I don't mind those people, I actually like helping them! But it's the one's that come in every other week wanting me to give back the $175 I took from them this week- I mean what was I thinking?? They NEEDED smokes ( & 2 trips to the Chinese buffet, & 3 trips to Wal-Mart)!!
* So, thank you for letting me vent about the joys of my trade!
1 week ago
You are HILARIOUS, I love you! I'm sorry you hate your job. We should have Lily stand by you when you're working. She's VERY good at jabbering (YELLING) lately and then you can translate for her, which most times you think the sweet child is just telling you to "PISS OFF" Might make you feel better, let me know :)
Yeah that made me laugh. Not because your job sucks, but I like your venting style. He did you get my email about the boutique? It's still on June 14th from 9-2. Wanted to make sure since my last email didn't get to you.
Ashleigh-I know exactly what you are talking about! I still have no faith in the human race and am thinking I never will again after that job. I pretty much think the world is just full of stupid people now! It was probably the happiest day of my life when I quit there after 6 straight years. But, you are much nicer than I am and I'm sure the customers like you way better. Hang in there :)
Never fun when they are punks!
That is funny.. Good venting. I hate it when customers blame YOU for things that they were careless about.
Yeah, I don't miss that part about banking. But I do miss you, hope you guys are doing good.
Sounds a bit frustrating! Hopefully you are having better days!
Wow. You really hate your job. Can't blame you... It is the armpit of the branch... Just kidding. Hope you feel better - venting usually does help. :)
You poor thing... I don't miss that at all!
Ashleigh.... I was just blog stalking and ran into your blog... and this post was so funny to me because I can totally relate! I worked at Washington Mutual, and I STILL get the heeby jeebies when I go in there!! Haha..... trust me, now that you are pregnant, you are going to be so much more pissy! Which, by the way, CONGRATS!!!!!
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