I was tagged & here's how it works...
Do you have a story? One that makes you say "Wow," and it makes you feel good to reflect on it, to remember it, and to possibly share it? I do! I thought we might like sharing them, so here is one of mine:
I started to like Anthon as more than a friend during the summer of 2001, when he held my hand on our stake's pioneer treck. I was hoping it would blossom into a summer romance... I couldn't have been more wrong! Not only did I not get to see him for the rest of the summer, I didn't even talk to him until school started & even then it was like we were back to square one (just friends- even though I had a major crush on him)! I decided to ask him to MORP (girls ask guys dance) in November 2001 & we had a great time, but at the end of the night, he hugged me goodbye & RAN into his house! It was exactly one month later when I was driving back to school for practice & it started to snow... It was inspirational! Looking around at the "winter wonderland" I became even more twitter-pated & said to myself, "I'm going to kiss Anthon! Tonight, in the snow, it'll be perfect... NO BUTS ABOUT IT!" After practice, I sat in the hallway waiting for him to come out of the locker room, then I walked casually with him out to the parking lot. I chickened out at first- We said goodbye, I walked to my car & he started walking to his. Then I just stopped, turned around, ran toward him, spun him around, & kissed him... The BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE!!!! Six years later, here we are! This behavior is completely opposite of my normal personality, I promise... But I thank heaven it happened!!
Ok, Now I tag: Aleia, Heather, & Katie!! Let's hear some stories that define you!