This isn't fair... It took an ETERNITY to get him here & now he's growing at the speed of light!! It's hard to believe he was in my belly only 3 weeks ago- I look at him now & can't imagine how I fit him in there! It's such a joy to have Roman in our home though; it amazes me how Anthon & I can just hold him, stare at him, admire all his tiny features, & be perfectly content!
Here's Roman meeting my sister Andrea for the first time! My mom is having one of her shoulders replaced today & Andrea flew down from Utah to help her with the recovery (Andrea's an RN in the surgical ICU). It was fun to introduce them & it'll be nice to get to visit with her while she's down here!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
3 Weeks already!?!
Written by Unknown 5 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Uncle Bob's B-Day

Written by Unknown 7 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I'm Signature #525,934!
Have you heard of The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)? It's a bill President Obama has promised to sign that basically legalizes all types of abortion & requires doctors & nurses to perform them whether they believe in them or not (including partial birth abortions, teenage abortions without parental consent, & "abortions" of babies that are born alive due to an incorrect partial birth abortion). This bill will also use tax dollars to fund the abortions! There is a petition that is trying to fight FOCA- if you're interested in standing up for what's right go to this link! You can read more about the FOCA on the website & add your name to the list of people against this evil bill!!
Written by Unknown 1 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
1st bath

It's just too relaxing of a life I guess : )
Written by Unknown 8 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
1 week old
This first week has FLOWN by!! Roman is changing so quickly; every morning when I get up I think he looks bigger- He had his 2nd newborn screening yesterday & he weighed 8lbs 13oz (1oz bigger than his birth weight). We're thankful he's eating consistently & that he's able to latch on now... no more stinky formula : )! He's been SO fun & we're grateful everyday that we have the opportunity to raise him!!
Written by Unknown 16 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Roman David Perkins
Our little boy came into this world on Jan. 6th @ 10:39AM. He weighed in at 8lbs 12 oz, 19.5 inches long. The induced labor was long as I expected it would be (approx. 30 hours) but after about 24 hours I got the FABULOUS epidural & it was smooth sailing from then on out!! We've been home for a day & are enjoying every second of having him!! Poor guy was tongue tied (the ligament under him tongue was tiny so he couldn't stick his tongue past his bottom gums), but we went to the specialist today & got it sniped & he's sucking a lot better now, which we're thankful for! Here are some pictures to feast your eyes on : )
Written by Unknown 23 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Finished Projects
SO, I figured I might as well post some pictures of the projects we have FINALLY finished (we've been putting these projects off since this post if you want to refresh your memory):

* On to the baby's room*

We're 98% sure we'll be naming him Roman (still debating between 2 middle names).We'll have to make sure it "fits" him on Monday, but don't hate on the name just us at least... cause it'll probably be the one we stick with :)
Written by Unknown 8 comments