Just thought I'd do a little post about the other things that have been going on besides the pregnancy & baby. This month has been SUPER busy, but a lot of fun! I love this time of year when our magnet board is filled with greetings from our friends & family- Just thought I'd through this picture in :)
In addition to me working DOUBLE the hours I normally do,we also had both our family Christmas parties last weekend, and both were a lot of fun! But I'm a dork & didn't take one picture at Anthon's family party (& probably the only reason I got this shot at my family party was my sister kept on me about bringing all my camera stuff to get it)!
Mind you, this isn't even half of my siblings & their families... there's a LOT more that we missed!
The thing I'm probably most excited about (& the most recent) is, through some wheeling & dealing- my specialty you know ;), we were able to score a new couch with ZERO $$ out of pocket! We even had $50 from our profit left over that hopefully I can buy some fabric to make curtains with :)!

Anyway, my brother, Peter, came over the other night to help Anthon put the couch together & here are the kids having a hay day in one of the boxes. My sister-in-law & I were seriously tempted to return the toys we'd bought the kids for Christmas and just wrap up these enormous boxes... they seriously loved them!
& here's the finished project... aw I love it! Anthon says it's my Christmas present & that's fine by me :). Now if he'll only let us sit on it... he's so OCD about new things getting dirty or ruined that he almost doesn't want to use them. Haha, love him!
Ok, that's it. Like I said, little random update. We're heading over to my mom's tonight to have a slumber party & celebrate/ reflect on the birth of our Savior. Hope all of you have a beautiful Christmas!!