- We got a letter from DPS today that had Anthon's actual test scores in it & they are:
Written test:83% (He got 73% last time he took it!) - Oral Board: 94% (First time!)
1 week ago
Written by Unknown 10 comments
Hip-hip-hurray!! Anthon took his DPS test this morning & he passed! Thank you SO very much to those who kept him in your thoughts & prayers! Now, all he has to do is:
1- Pass the oral evaluation (on Thursday)
2- Pass a criminal back round check/ drug test
3- Pass a psychiatric evaluation
4- pass a polygraph test.
So, as you can see, he's not completely out in the clear, but he FINALLY passed a major hurdle for him! I'll keep you posted on how everything turns out.
Written by Unknown 8 comments
Written by Unknown 3 comments