There's not a whole lot of new or exciting things going on with us, but I had a fun/interesting day so I figured "why not write about it?" My day started out by going to a Dr. appointment-She told me (AGAIN) to gain some weight, & I had to explain (AGAIN) that I'm NOT trying to not gain weight, if that makes any sense. I've gained a whopping 3 lbs in my 5 1/2 months of pregnancy, & apparently that's not good enough... I'll just have to eat more ice cream & see if that makes her happy :). She made me happy though because she helped me recognize my baby moving! She had me turn my phone onto vibrate & press it on my belly while she called it. As soon as it started ringing I could feel the little flutters- It was really neat!! Another fun trick she taught me is to put a medal spoon on my belly & then hit the spoon with another spoon; the "Clanking" noise makes him move around too :)!
My Dr. office is right by a Home Depot so after my appointment I stopped in & picked out the paint for our little guys room... I'm pretty excited about this project so I'll be sure to post pictures once it's complete!!
Last but not least, I learned about Nematodes (parasitic worms) in school today... GLAMOROUS, I know! I was pretty much grossed out the whole time I was learning how these nasty little creatures invade HUMAN bodies, reproduce, & spread! YUCK! & if that wasn't bad enough, I had to spend an hour & a half looking at them in lab... See how DISGUSTING?!?!Microbiology is SO NOT my field!! All I have to say is I will be washing my hands 10x more frequently than I already do & will NEVER walk bare foot out side again!!
1 week ago
ewww yuck! And feeling the baby is the best part of the pregnancy!! Glad she showed you some tricks :)
Glad you felt him. how fun! I love that part too. I wouldn't worry about that weight gain. I had also only gained 3 pounds at my last appointment and I was four months. The doctors acted like it was normal.
Yeah, the weight gain is probably not a big deal. I lost 15 pounds my first six months with Lily and she turned out fine! And the worm pictures are gross. I would imagine you'd have to be quite a disgusting person to get one from filth?!
Yuck! I can't stand the looks of those things! I'm glad you could feel your little guy!
You are great. :) 1. Lucky girl for not gaining too much weight. I'm up to 24 lbs (9 more weeks to go). 2. Cannot WAIT to see the babies room!! 3. Syd wore shoes outside in the backyard that day I talked to you... Grossed me out to hear about those worms. I like naivety... Without the repercussions of it of course. :)
PS - Oh yeah!! Most important - what a good doctor to help you figure out how to feel the baby move!! Congratulations!! Special event in the life of a first time mother. And then they KICK YOU. LOL :)
So... I/we miss you :( Come over here - we'll fatten you up with Sheridan's frozen custard. :) Your doctor will like that!
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