Buddha Belly, Torpedo, basket ball, HUGE! There are a million ways I could describe my baby bump, but I think the best word has to be WONDERFUL! The 1st belly shot I posted was when I was 21 weeks- I'm now 27 weeks & you can defiantly see the growth of the past 6 weeks! I gained another 3 lbs. during this past month (Which puts me up to 6 lbs. total), so my Dr. was pretty happy at this months appointment :). I'm really enjoying being pregnant & feeling our little guy squirm around all day long! It's like we've been wanting this for SO long that it still doesn't quite seem possible that we're ACTUALLY having a baby... we're just enjoying this HUGE blessing in our lives (& he's not even here yet)!!
1 week ago
super cute!
Nice belly!
Wow, you're getting so big!
You look so cute. Congratulations. It must be nice to only gain 3 lbs a month. Try gaining them in one week. Uggg.My babies were always really healthy.
I love the room! You look great too! It looks like the babe is growing so that is a good thing, be glad the rest of you is not!
What a cute belly pose.
You look so so cute! I gained like 40lbs my pregnancy and Grant was only 6lbs. It was all me! Ha ha! By the way, I love the colors in your living room!
You look so cute! I'm excited for you guys.
That is NOTHING! :) JK. But, you're looking great!! Can't wait to see the bigger version of it in real life - T minus 43 days or so and counting (can't believe I'm gonna have a new one before then!! AHH!)
Your belly is so cute! It's fun to watch you grow little by little. Lets do some crafting soon!
You guys are so fun. Hope school is going well. You little fatties should all get together for a belly pose before everyone starts to deliver.
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