Friday, February 26, 2010
I miss you
Written by Unknown 2 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Sewing Bug Bit Me
I didn't have enough fabric to make pants to match this one, but I LOVE these colors!
Written by Unknown 6 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My Darling Roman Boy...
This Baby of mine has been SUPER fun lately!! His personality has been oozing out & he's discovering new things daily. He's started to walk a little on his own, but is still VERY apprehensive about it. He LOVES to feed himself & is quite the little eater too. He's VERY independent & is not shy about letting you know if he either A) needs help with something (points at EVERYTHING he wants) or B) Does NOT want your help with what he's doing (like eating). He jabbers non-stop (still has that raspy voice he's had since birth), gives kisses & hugs constantly, & has started to spit like his daddy- my personal favorite... NOT (Boys will be boys, I guess)! Here's a little video of Romey in action :)
Written by Unknown 4 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
AWESOME giveaway!!
Remember the awesome photographer that took our family photos for our Christmas card (the photo on our header, too)?? Well, she's giving away a free photo session!!! Check out her blog for the details
check out her work on the blog & enter if you want to win... but really, don't enter 'cause I want to win ;)!!
Written by Unknown 3 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
1 Year / Valentine photos

Written by Unknown 6 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Submission Wrestling Studs!
It was super HOT & sweaty in the gym where thy did it, but I still had a good time! Poor Roman was just DYING to crawl around on the mats...We didn't let him- by the time it was over & he'd be able to go on them without getting squashed, they were sufficiently covered in the sweat of every guy there! Maybe in a year or two Anthon can take him to roll around on a mat :)
Written by Unknown 2 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Good weekend... Long post
Our was weekend was nice... well, I should clarify, mine & Roman's was nice- Anthon took the boy scouts in out ward on an overnight, backpacking trip, that was said to be about 10 miles but ended up being more like 15; his knee gave out with about 2 miles left to go, so he said he litterally "gimped" to his truck :( ... I'm just thankful his sugars were ok being gone so long (about 5 hours longer than he'd anticipated! He didn't get home til after 8pm). He didn't have a ton of snacks with him, so he ended up drinking sugar water towards the end... Yuck, but it works! He said he did have a good time with the boys, though! Here are a few of the boys at the waterfall they hiked to.
Written by Unknown 4 comments