This picture pretty much sums up how I'm feeling these days... Tired, swollen, & just plain OVER pregnancy! Ever since last weekend, my poor feet & legs have been like elephant feet everyday... SO swollen! I didn't have hardly any swelling with Roman, & I didn't realize just how miserable this common "side effect" of pregnancy can be!
The good news is there's light at the end of the tunnel! I saw my Dr. today & I'm 70% effaced & dilated to 2cm... that's exciting,but not as exciting as my scheduled induction!! I'm going in next Thursday at 10pm to be induced, so hopefully our little man will grace us with his presence sometime on Friday, May 6th! Ah, only 7 more days- I can hardly wait! I can't wait for this bump to be GONE (well, smaller at least... I'm not delusional enough to think that the pudge will EVER go away)!Just for kicks & giggles... here's what I looked like 7 days before I had Roman... YIKES!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The end is in sight!
Written by Unknown 6 comments
Sunday, April 24, 2011
My Boys
I realized my blog as been pretty selfish lately- mostly about me & the pregnancy, so I wanted to do a post about the 2 main men in my life (before I add the 3rd in a couple weeks and the blog is totally all about him again).
Anthon: He is super busy these days!! Work gets increasingly busier as the weather gets warmer, but he enjoys his job so it's a good thing. I don't know how he works outside in the heat, but I'm thankful for how hard he works to support our family- he provides like 98% of our income... the only thing I work for is insurance, since my take-home is practically nothing after taxes, insurance, & retirement are taken out! Anthon did get an insulin pump on April 8th- WOOHOO!! It's been wonderful, but a definite adjustment for him at the same time. He says it makes him really "feel like a diabetic" since it's attached to him 24/7, whereas before he'd just take his shot & then once that was over he was just like everyone else. His nurse (who's really great, by the way!) has had to change his dosages several times to try & get his sugars where they need to be. For the first day or 2, he was running low and then after they adjusted his dosages he was running high, but he seems to be more stable now and he's getting more & more comfortable with it as time moves on. This semester i drawing to a close & I think he's looking forward to the little break that he'll have from school before his summer class start. He's been working really hard this semester & I know his fall classes are going to be really time consuming too, so hopefully the one math he takes this summer won't be too stressful for him. I seriously can't imagine my life without Anthon...It would literally be HORRIBLE! He helps me so much!
Written by Unknown 0 comments
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I've always hated the waiting game...
Written by Unknown 6 comments
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Little of This & A Little of That.... or a lot
Onto me & the growing gut! I'm 34 weeks now & feel like I'm as big as I was full term with Roman. I haven't gained more weight with this pregnancy than I did with Roman- in fact I'm at about the same (I've gained 15 lbs with this baby & with Roman, I had gained 16lbs when I was 33 weeks), but I started off this pregnancy bigger so I'm sure that's why I'm feeling like such a beast! I did discover my 1st stretch mark on my belly about 2 weeks ago... that was pleasant. But seriously, why should I care?! It's part of the process, I'm never going to have a bikini body again, & even if I ever do it's not like I'm gonna prance around in a skimpy bathing suit in front of my kids... I'm trying to think of it as Heavenly Father's way of reminding me of how blessed I was to become pregnant, and ensuring that I stay modest :). I went to the Dr. this morning & it's funny how this pregnancy is so similar to Roman's... The baby is measuring ahead still, but now my uterus is measuring a week behind. They said if I'm measuring smaller at my next appointment they'd do an ultrasound to check the fluid levels (which is exactly what they did with Roman). I feel a lot more impatient with this pregnancy though... it feels like my last 6 weeks will never be over!
Written by Unknown 4 comments