This semester has been a lot more time consuming/ stressful than last- I'm gone from home a lot more (at least it feels that way) and when I am home, it seems like the focus is on all the tasks to be done. Except for Sunday! Oh, how I love Sunday!! It's the only day each week (LITERALLY) that I get to just relax, spend time with my family, & reflect on everything I have to be thankful for!!
Like this guy! I am SO thankful for him! He went to choir practice with me today & it meant so much to me! I love him & all the does to help me out with school, the house, the kids, my calling, basically every aspect of my life!
Or this guy! He is such a blessing to me! The biggest helper, so forgiving when I'm impatient with him, & always willing to show me how much he loves me!
& this guy! Man, oh man- I adore this little tender mercy of mine! He doesn't smile for the camera much, but he always has a smile & big hug for me, and is always up for a snuggle! I LOVE that about him- I hope he never gets too big to cuddle with me!!
I LOVE that I have one day a week to spend with these boys, uninterrupted by all the things that go on during a normal day (errands, homework, cleaning, etc.)
Just an entire day to watch, be present, & enjoy these 3 amazing guys in my life!! How could I not love Sunday?!
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