The boys had to get their blood drawn today. Anthon was just getting his quarterly A1C (diabetes test)... that wasn't bad, but poor Roman! He has what they call breast milk jaundice where there's an enzyme in my milk his body can't digest & that enzyme converts the bilirubin back into its original form so his body can't excrement it. The condition usually goes away by the time babies turn 2 months, but he still can't digest that darn enzyme yet! So, they wanted check his bilirubin again & do a few other tests (to make sure he's not anemic since elevated bili levels for an extended period of time can cause anemia). The dang lady tried to get a line in his arm- CRAZY right?!? I can't even FEEL any veins in his arm, much less SEE one! Of course all she did was hurt him & then ended up pricking his heal anyway : ( . I was hoping we could get enough blood for all the tests with just one poke (& we did once she pricked his heal),but for some reason she wanted to stick his arm! I'm just thankful Anthon was there to hold him down... I couldn't do it!
I mean, look at that punim... I could never be a Phlebotomist!PS- Anthon decided to cut all his hair off when I was in TX, too. I guess we both had the same thought- "I'll do it while we're apart that way he/she can't tell me 'No'!" :D
1 week ago
Poor, sad little guy! I hate those heel pricks. That lady had to be on crack trying to find a vein in his arm. I'd ask for someone else if you ever see her again.
poor little guy hope the figure out what's best for him
Ha! Jose keeps threatening to shave his head and I keep telling him "NO WAY JOSE!!!!" :)
Oh poor little Buster! I don't like to watch them get shots either.
Oh, POOR BABY! I second Michele's sentiment :) Get someone else and she's probably crazy/on drugs for having tried that. Poor BRoman! And I like Anthon's hair - not :) More like lack of hair... ha. Your creamy milk us just too much for his little body to take! jk, lucky duck. He'll be better soon, maybe get some more chunk to those thighs (I know how you love it!)
Man, I'm still laughing about the IT'S SAMANTHA crack!! Check your email :) HA!! Love you!
I guess I could've called you... It's early there dud! But now I really am going to bed. TTY tomorrow
That is so sad...I don't understand why she would even try to poke his poor lil arm, what the heck! He looks so wiped out! What a day!
Poor guy, hope he's feeling better. I think some women just want to prove to the parents that they know more about what they are doing. That's how I felt in the NICU, but they don't have to be evil to show us. Losers! And Anthon should grow his hair back out! Your a good wife for not making him wear a wig ;)
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